Creating digital interfaces & disabilities

Digital Accessibility Fundamentals

The introduction to the models of disability, Medical, Charitable, Social and Human rights was new to me and has enhanced my understanding of a person with a disability. Inspiration is drawn by how the Social model describes a person as disabled by the barriers they encounter in our society contrary to their impairment. (1,2)

The social model highlights that creating a digital interface for users can also create a disability or barrier if that interface does not have sufficient support for impaired users. This model can be an unpleasant idea to accept for a digital interface creator or organisation who may have genuine accessibility goals but face obstacles when including accessibility. These obstacles could include the absence of regulation and legal requirements, internal processes to follow, agreed project requirements, the availability of appropriate resources or the perception of lower profitability.

Accessibility pages describe the current and continual efforts taken to implement accessibility. Disabled users appreciate such accessibility information within a digital interface. A user can interpret this as a progressive and positive feature, adding a layer of transparency and a simple way to check if there has been an effort to meet accessibility requirements for a user. Such an area could also indicate content in more alternative suitable formats such as an accessible PDF, implemented features, and support for assistive technologies, browsers, and mobile devices. An area that invites the user for feedback on accessibility will reinforce the idea of inclusion and help develop accessible priorities, suitable solutions and help make digital interfaces work for everyone.

  1. Disability Advocacy Resource Unit. How we talk about disability matters. Retrieved from
  2. Scope - Equality for disabled people. Social Model. Video. Retrieved from